What to Do When You’re Self-Conscious of Body Hair


Body hair is a natural part of being human. For many people, body hair can be a source of insecurity and self-consciousness. But there’s no need to let your body hair determine how you feel about yourself. 

There are several options available to help you embrace, remove, or cover up your body hair in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable. 


Embrace It 

The first step is learning to accept and embrace the fact that body hair is normal and natural. Instead of focusing on the parts of your body that make you feel insecure, focus on the positive aspects of yourself such as your personality traits, talents, and skills. 

Learning to love yourself for who you are is an important step in overcoming feelings of self-consciousness. 

Remove It 

If embracing your body hair isn’t an option for you then consider removing it instead. Hair removal techniques have advanced significantly over the years so there are plenty of safe options available for removing unwanted body hair. 

Waxing and shaving remain popular methods but more permanent solutions like laser hair removal are becoming increasingly popular as well. Laser hair removal typically requires six sessions over the course of four to six weeks. Laser hair removal may be worth considering if you’re serious about getting rid of excess body hair once and for all. 

Cover It 

Another option is covering up unwanted body hair with clothing or accessories when needed. This method works especially well for those who don’t have time to maintain their appearance regularly or who want to mix things up from time to time without having to go through the hassle of waxing or laser treatments each time they want to change their look-up slightly. Choosing clothes that complement your style preferences while also providing coverage for any areas where you feel uncomfortable will help boost confidence levels when out in public settings or social situations.

No matter what route you decide to take – whether it be embracing your natural body hair, removing it permanently with laser treatments, or simply opting for clothing that provides coverage - remember that how you choose to deal with your body image issues is ultimately up to you! Taking the time to explore different options until finding one that works best for both your lifestyle needs and confidence levels will go a long way towards helping you create a healthier relationship with your appearance moving forward. Self-confidence is key to living a happy life and feeling good about yourself so don't forget that whatever path you choose should ultimately be based on what makes YOU feel most comfortable!

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